Source code for layers.prone_module

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm
from scipy.special import iv
from sklearn import preprocessing

[docs]class HeatKernel(object): def __init__(self, t=0.5, theta0=0.6, theta1=0.4): self.t = t self.theta0 = theta0 self.theta1 = theta1
[docs] def prop_adjacency(self, mx): mx_norm = preprocessing.normalize(mx.transpose(), "l1").transpose() adj = self.t * mx_norm = np.exp( return adj / np.exp(self.t)
[docs] def prop(self, mx, emb): adj = self.prop_adjacency(mx) return self.theta0 * emb + self.theta1 *
[docs]class HeatKernelApproximation(object): def __init__(self, t=0.2, k=5): self.t = t self.k = k
[docs] def taylor(self, mx, emb): mx_norm = preprocessing.normalize(mx, "l1") result = [math.exp(self.t) * emb] for i in range(self.k - 1): temp_mx = self.t *[-1]) / (i + 1) result.append(temp_mx) return sum(result)
[docs] def chebyshev(self, mx, emb): mx = mx + sp.eye(emb.shape[0]) mx = preprocessing.normalize(mx, "l1") conv = iv(0, self.t) * emb laplacian = sp.eye(emb.shape[0]) - mx Lx0 = emb Lx1 = conv -= 2 * iv(1, self.t) * Lx1 for i in range(2, self.k): Lx2 = 2 * - Lx0 conv += (-1) ** i * 2 * iv(i, self.t) * Lx2 Lx0 = Lx1 Lx1 = Lx2 return conv
[docs] def prop(self, mx, emb): return self.chebyshev(mx, emb)
[docs]class Gaussian(object): def __init__(self, mu=0.5, theta=1, rescale=False, k=3): self.theta = theta = mu self.k = k self.rescale = rescale self.coefs = [(-1) ** i * iv(i, self.theta) for i in range(k+3)] self.coefs[0] = self.coefs[0] / 2 # adj: 1 mul + 3 add, emb: 2*k mul, 3*k add
[docs] def prop(self, mx, emb): row_num, col_sum = mx.shape mx = mx + sp.eye(row_num) mx_norm = preprocessing.normalize(mx, "l1") mx_hat = (1 - * sp.eye(row_num) - mx_norm Lx0 = emb Lx1 = Lx1 = 0.5 * - emb conv = iv(0, self.theta) * Lx0 conv -= 2 * iv(1, self.theta) * Lx1 for i in range(2, self.k): Lx2 = Lx2 = ( - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0 # Lx2 = 2 * - Lx0 conv += (-1) ** i * 2 * iv(i, self.theta) * Lx2 Lx0 = Lx1 Lx1 = Lx2 if self.rescale: conv = - conv) return conv
[docs]class PPR(object): """ applying sparsification to accelerate computation """ def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, k=10): self.alpha = alpha self.k = k self.alpha_list = [self.alpha * (1 - self.alpha) ** i for i in range(self.k)] self.epsilon = 1e-3
[docs] def prop(self, mx, emb): row_num, col_num = mx.shape if row_num < 1000: # stable state row, col = mx.nonzero degree = mx.sum(1).A.squeeze() degree_sqrt_inv_mx = sp.csc_matrix((np.sqrt(1. / degree), (row, col)), shape=(row, col)) identity = sp.csc_matrix((np.ones(row_num), (np.arange(row), np.arange(col_num))), shape=(row, col)) ppr_mx = identity - (1 - self.alpha) * return self.alpha * sp.linalg.inv(ppr_mx).dot(emb) else: # k-1 add, k-1 mul mx_norm = preprocessing.normalize(mx, "l1") Lx = emb conv = self.alpha * Lx for i in range(1, self.k): Lx = (1 - self.alpha) * conv += Lx return conv
[docs]class SignalRescaling(object): """ - rescale signal of each node according to the degree of the node: - sigmoid(degree) - sigmoid(1/degree) """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def prop(self, mx, emb): mx = preprocessing.normalize(mx, "l1") degree = mx.sum(1).A.squeeze() degree_inv = 1. / degree signal_val = 1./(1+np.exp(-degree_inv)) row_num, col_num = mx.shape q_ = sp.csc_matrix((signal_val, (np.arange(row_num), np.arange(col_num))), shape=(row_num, col_num)) adj_norm = adj_norm = preprocessing.normalize(adj_norm, "l1") conv = return conv
[docs]class ProNE(object):
[docs] def __call__(self, A, a, order=10, mu=0.1, s=0.5): # NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation print('Chebyshev Series -----------------') if order == 1: return a node_number = a.shape[0] A = sp.eye(node_number) + A DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm='l1') L = sp.eye(node_number) - DA M = L - mu * sp.eye(node_number) Lx0 = a Lx1 = Lx1 = 0.5 * - a conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0 conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1 for i in range(2, order): Lx2 = Lx2 = ( - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0 # Lx2 = 2* - Lx0 if i % 2 == 0: conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2 else: conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2 Lx0 = Lx1 Lx1 = Lx2 del Lx2 mm = - conv) return mm
[docs]class NodeAdaptiveEncoder(object): """ - shrink negative values in signal/feature matrix - no learning """ @staticmethod
[docs] def prop(signal): mean_signal = signal.mean(1) mean_signal = 1./(1 + np.exp(-mean_signal)) sel_row, sel_col = np.where(signal < 0) mean_signal = mean_signal[sel_row] signal[sel_row, sel_col] = signal[sel_row, sel_col] * mean_signal return signal
[docs]def propagate(mx, emb, stype, space=None): if space is not None: if stype == "heat": heat_kernel = HeatKernelApproximation(t=space["t"]) result = heat_kernel.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "ppr": ppr = PPR(alpha=space["alpha"]) result = ppr.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "gaussian": gaussian = Gaussian(mu=space["mu"], theta=space["theta"]) result = gaussian.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "sc": signal_rs = SignalRescaling() result = signal_rs.prop(mx, emb) else: raise ValueError("please use filter in ['heat', 'ppr', 'gaussian', 'sc'], currently use {}".format(stype)) else: if stype == "heat": heat_kernel = HeatKernelApproximation() result = heat_kernel.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "ppr": ppr = PPR() result = ppr.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "gaussian": gaussian = Gaussian() result = gaussian.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "sc": signal_rs = SignalRescaling() result = signal_rs.prop(mx, emb) elif stype == "prone": signal_pro = ProNE() result = signal_pro(mx, emb) else: raise ValueError("please use filter in ['heat', 'ppr', 'gaussian', 'sc'], currently use {}".format(stype)) return result
[docs]def get_embedding_dense(matrix, dimension): # get dense embedding via SVD U, s, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(matrix, full_matrices=False, check_finite=False, overwrite_a=True) U = np.array(U) U = U[:, :dimension] s = s[:dimension] s = np.sqrt(s) U = U * s U = preprocessing.normalize(U, "l2") return U