Source code for models.emb.prone

import time

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.special import iv
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd

from .. import BaseModel, register_model

[docs]@register_model("prone") class ProNE(BaseModel): r"""The ProNE model from the `"ProNE: Fast and Scalable Network Representation Learning" <>`_ paper. Args: hidden_size (int) : The dimension of node representation. step (int) : The number of items in the chebyshev expansion. mu (float) : Parameter in ProNE. theta (float) : Parameter in ProNE. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def add_args(parser): """Add model-specific arguments to the parser.""" # fmt: off parser.add_argument("--step", type=int, default=5, help="Number of items in the chebyshev expansion") parser.add_argument("--mu", type=float, default=0.2) parser.add_argument("--theta", type=float, default=0.5)
# fmt: on @classmethod
[docs] def build_model_from_args(cls, args): return cls(args.hidden_size, args.step,, args.theta)
def __init__(self, dimension, step, mu, theta): super(ProNE, self).__init__() self.dimension = dimension self.step = step = mu self.theta = theta
[docs] def train(self, G): self.num_node = G.number_of_nodes() self.matrix0 = sp.csr_matrix(nx.adjacency_matrix(G)) t_1 = time.time() features_matrix = self._pre_factorization(self.matrix0, self.matrix0) t_2 = time.time() embeddings_matrix = self._chebyshev_gaussian( self.matrix0, features_matrix, self.step,, self.theta ) t_3 = time.time() print("sparse NE time", t_2 - t_1) print("spectral Pro time", t_3 - t_2) self.embeddings = embeddings_matrix return self.embeddings
[docs] def _get_embedding_rand(self, matrix): # Sparse randomized tSVD for fast embedding t1 = time.time() l = matrix.shape[0] smat = sp.csc_matrix(matrix) # convert to sparse CSC format print("svd sparse",[0] * 1.0 / l ** 2) U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd( smat, n_components=self.dimension, n_iter=5, random_state=None ) U = U * np.sqrt(Sigma) U = preprocessing.normalize(U, "l2") print("sparsesvd time", time.time() - t1) return U
[docs] def _get_embedding_dense(self, matrix, dimension): # get dense embedding via SVD t1 = time.time() U, s, Vh = linalg.svd( matrix, full_matrices=False, check_finite=False, overwrite_a=True ) U = np.array(U) U = U[:, :dimension] s = s[:dimension] s = np.sqrt(s) U = U * s U = preprocessing.normalize(U, "l2") print("densesvd time", time.time() - t1) return U
[docs] def _pre_factorization(self, tran, mask): # Network Embedding as Sparse Matrix Factorization t1 = time.time() l1 = 0.75 C1 = preprocessing.normalize(tran, "l1") neg = np.array(C1.sum(axis=0))[0] ** l1 neg = neg / neg.sum() neg = sp.diags(neg, format="csr") neg = print("neg", time.time() - t1)[ <= 0] = 1[ <= 0] = 1 = np.log( = np.log( C1 -= neg F = C1 features_matrix = self._get_embedding_rand(F) return features_matrix
[docs] def _chebyshev_gaussian(self, A, a, order=5, mu=0.5, s=0.2, plus=False, nn=False): # NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation print("Chebyshev Series -----------------") t1 = time.time() num_node = a.shape[0] if order == 1: return a A = sp.eye(num_node) + A DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm="l1") L = sp.eye(num_node) - DA M = L - mu * sp.eye(num_node) Lx0 = a Lx1 = Lx1 = 0.5 * - a conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0 conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1 for i in range(2, order): Lx2 = Lx2 = ( - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0 # Lx2 = 2* - Lx0 if i % 2 == 0: conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2 else: conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2 Lx0 = Lx1 Lx1 = Lx2 del Lx2 print("Bessell time", i, time.time() - t1) emb = mm = conv if not plus: mm = - conv) if not nn: emb = self._get_embedding_dense(mm, self.dimension) return emb