Source code for

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch

from import Data

[docs]class Sampler: def __init__(self, data, args_params): = data self.num_nodes =[0] self.num_edges =[1]
[docs] def sample(self): pass
[docs]class SAINTSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, data, args_params): super().__init__(data, args_params) self.adj = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(self.num_edges), ([0],[1])), shape = (self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes)).tocsr() self.node_train = np.arange(1, self.num_nodes + 1) * self.node_train = self.node_train[self.node_train != 0] - 1 self.sample_coverage = args_params["sample_coverage"] self.estimate()
[docs] def estimate(self): # estimation of loss / aggregation normalization factors # ------------------------------------------------------------- # For some special sampler, no need to estimate norm factors, we can calculate # the node / edge probabilities directly. # However, for integrity of the framework, we follow the same procedure # for all samplers: # 1. sample enough number of subgraphs # 2. update the counter for each node / edge in the training graph # 3. estimate norm factor alpha and lambda self.subgraphs_indptr = [] self.subgraphs_indices = [] self.subgraphs_data = [] self.subgraphs_nodes = [] self.subgraphs_edge_index = [] self.norm_loss_train = np.zeros(self.num_nodes) self.norm_aggr_train = np.zeros(self.num_edges) self.norm_loss_test = np.ones(self.num_nodes) / self.num_nodes self.norm_loss_test = torch.from_numpy(self.norm_loss_test.astype(np.float32)) tot_sampled_nodes = 0 while True: tot_sampled_nodes += self.gen_subgraph() print("\rGenerating subgraphs %.2lf%%" % (tot_sampled_nodes * 100 / / self.sample_coverage), end = "", flush = True) if tot_sampled_nodes > self.sample_coverage * self.num_nodes: break num_subg = len(self.subgraphs_nodes) for i in range(num_subg): self.norm_aggr_train[self.subgraphs_edge_index[i]] += 1 self.norm_loss_train[self.subgraphs_nodes[i]] += 1 for v in range( i_s = self.adj.indptr[v] i_e = self.adj.indptr[v + 1] val = np.clip(self.norm_loss_train[v] / self.norm_aggr_train[i_s : i_e], 0, 1e4) val[np.isnan(val)] = 0.1 self.norm_aggr_train[i_s : i_e] = val self.norm_loss_train[np.where(self.norm_loss_train==0)[0]] = 0.1 self.norm_loss_train[self.node_train] = num_subg / self.norm_loss_train[self.node_train] / self.node_train.size self.norm_loss_train = torch.from_numpy(self.norm_loss_train.astype(np.float32))
[docs] def gen_subgraph(self): _indptr, _indices, _data, _v, _edge_index = self.sample() self.subgraphs_indptr.append(_indptr) self.subgraphs_indices.append(_indices) self.subgraphs_data.append(_data) self.subgraphs_nodes.append(_v) self.subgraphs_edge_index.append(_edge_index) return len(_v)
[docs] def sample(self): pass
[docs] def extract_subgraph(self, edge_idx, directed = True): edge_idx = np.unique(edge_idx) subg_edge =[edge_idx].numpy() if not directed: subg_edge = np.concatenate((subg_edge, subg_edge[:,[1, 0]])) subg_edge = np.unique(subg_edge, axis = 0) #get nodes whose degree != 0 nodes = np.zeros(self.num_nodes, dtype = int) for e in subg_edge: nodes[e[0]] = 1 nodes[e[1]] = 1 if not directed: edge_idx = [] for e in subg_edge: for i in range(self.adj.indptr[e[0]], self.adj.indptr[e[0] + 1]): if self.adj.indices[i] == e[1]: edge_idx.append(i) edge_idx = np.array(edge_idx, dtype = int) node_idx = np.arange(1, self.num_nodes + 1) * np.array(nodes) node_idx = node_idx[node_idx != 0] - 1 #mapping nodes to new indices orig2subg = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(node_idx)} indptr = np.zeros(node_idx.size + 1, dtype = int) for ind, u in enumerate(subg_edge[:, 0]): if ind + 1 > indptr[orig2subg[u] + 1]: indptr[orig2subg[u] + 1] = ind + 1 for i in range(1, node_idx.size + 1): if indptr[i] == 0: indptr[i] = indptr[i - 1] indices = subg_edge[:, 1] for i in range(len(indices)): indices[i] = orig2subg[indices[i]] data = np.ones(indices.size) assert indptr[-1] == indices.size == subg_edge.size // 2 return indptr, indices, data, node_idx, edge_idx
[docs] def get_subgraph(self, phase, require_norm = True): """ Generate one minibatch for model. In the 'train' mode, one minibatch corresponds to one subgraph of the training graph. In the 'valid' or 'test' mode, one batch corresponds to the full graph (i.e., full-batch rather than minibatch evaluation for validation / test sets). Inputs: mode str, can be 'train', 'valid', 'test' require_norm boolean Outputs: data Data object, modeling the sampled subgraph data.norm_aggr aggregation normalization data.norm_loss normalization normalization """ if phase in ['val', 'test']: node_subgraph = np.arange( data = if require_norm: data.norm_aggr = torch.ones(self.num_edges) data.norm_loss = self.norm_loss_test else: if len(self.subgraphs_nodes) == 0: self.gen_subgraph() node_subgraph = self.subgraphs_nodes.pop() edge_subgraph = self.subgraphs_edge_index.pop() num_nodes_subgraph = node_subgraph.size adj = sp.csr_matrix((self.subgraphs_data.pop(), self.subgraphs_indices.pop(), self.subgraphs_indptr.pop()), shape =(num_nodes_subgraph, num_nodes_subgraph)) if require_norm:[:] = self.norm_aggr_train[edge_subgraph][:] #normalization D = adj.sum(1).flatten() norm_diag = sp.dia_matrix((1 / D, 0), shape = adj.shape) adj = adj.sort_indices() adj = adj.tocoo() data = Data([node_subgraph], torch.LongTensor(np.vstack((adj.row, adj.col))), None if is None else[edge_subgraph],[node_subgraph], None if is None else[node_subgraph]) if require_norm: data.norm_aggr = torch.FloatTensor( data.norm_loss = self.norm_loss_train[node_subgraph] data.train_mask =[node_subgraph] data.val_mask =[node_subgraph] data.test_mask =[node_subgraph] return data
[docs]class NodeSampler(SAINTSampler): def __init__(self, data, args_params): self.node_num_subgraph = args_params["size_subgraph"] super().__init__(data, args_params)
[docs] def sample(self): node_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.num_nodes), self.node_num_subgraph) node_idx = np.unique(node_idx) node_idx.sort() orig2subg = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(node_idx)} indptr = np.zeros(node_idx.size + 1) indices = [] subg_edge_index = [] for nid in node_idx: idx_s, idx_e = self.adj.indptr[nid], self.adj.indptr[nid + 1] neighs = self.adj.indices[idx_s : idx_e] for i_n, n in enumerate(neighs): if n in orig2subg: indices.append(orig2subg[n]) indptr[orig2subg[nid] + 1] += 1 subg_edge_index.append(idx_s + i_n) indptr = indptr.cumsum().astype(np.int64) indices = np.array(indices) subg_edge_index = np.array(subg_edge_index) data = np.ones(indices.size) assert indptr[-1] == indices.size == subg_edge_index.size return indptr, indices, data, node_idx, subg_edge_index
[docs]class EdgeSampler(SAINTSampler): def __init__(self, data, args_params): self.edge_num_subgraph = args_params["size_subgraph"] super().__init__(data, args_params)
[docs] def sample(self): edge_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.num_edges), self.edge_num_subgraph) return self.extract_subgraph(edge_idx)
[docs]class RWSampler(SAINTSampler): def __init__(self, data, args_params): self.num_walks = args_params["num_walks"] self.walk_length = args_params["walk_length"] super().__init__(data, args_params)
[docs] def sample(self): edge_idx = [] for walk in range(self.num_walks): u = np.random.randint(self.num_nodes) for step in range(self.walk_length): idx_s = self.adj.indptr[u] idx_e = self.adj.indptr[u + 1] e = np.random.randint(idx_s, idx_e) edge_idx.append(e) u = self.adj.indices[e] return self.extract_subgraph(np.array(edge_idx))
[docs]class MRWSampler(SAINTSampler): def __init__(self, data, args_params): self.size_frontier = args_params["size_frontier"] self.edge_num_subgraph = args_params["size_subgraph"] super().__init__(data, args_params)
[docs] def sample(self): frontier = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.num_nodes), self.size_frontier) deg = self.adj.indptr[frontier + 1] - self.adj.indptr[frontier] deg_sum = np.sum(deg) edge_idx = [] for i in range(self.edge_num_subgraph): val = np.random.randint(deg_sum) id = 0 while val >= deg[id]: val -= deg[id] id += 1 nid = frontier[id] idx_s, idx_e = self.adj.indptr[nid], self.adj.indptr[nid + 1] e = np.random.randint(idx_s, idx_e) edge_idx.append(e) v = self.adj.indices[e] frontier[id] = v deg_sum -= deg[id] deg[id] = self.adj.indptr[v + 1] - self.adj.indptr[v] deg_sum += deg[id] return self.extract_subgraph(np.array(edge_idx))
[docs]class LayerSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, data, model, params_args): super().__init__(data, params_args) self.model = model self.sample_one_layer = self.model._sample_one_layer self.sample = self.model.sampling
[docs] def get_batches(self, train_nodes, train_labels, batch_size=64, shuffle=True): if shuffle: random.shuffle(train_nodes) total = train_nodes.shape[0] for i in range(0, total, batch_size): if i + batch_size <= total: cur_nodes = train_nodes[i: i+batch_size] cur_labels = train_labels[cur_nodes] yield cur_nodes, cur_labels
"""class FastGCNSampler(LayerSampler): def __init__(self, data, params_args): super().__init__(data, params_args) def generate_adj(self, sample1, sample2): edgelist = [] mapping = {} for i in range(len(sample1)): mapping[sample1[i]] = i for i in range(len(sample2)): nodes = self.adj[sample2[i]] for node in nodes: if node in mapping: edgelist.append([mapping[node], i]) edgetensor = torch.LongTensor(edgelist) valuetensor = torch.ones(edgetensor.shape[0]).float() t = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( edgetensor.t(), valuetensor, (len(sample1), len(sample2)) ) return t def sample_one_layer(self, sampled, sample_size): total = [] for node in sampled: total.extend(self.adj[node]) total = list(set(total)) if sample_size < len(total): total = random.sample(total, sample_size) return total def sample(self, x, v, num_layers): all_support = [[] for _ in range(num_layers)] sampled = v.detach().cpu().numpy() for i in range(num_layers - 1, -1, -1): cur_sampled = self.sample_one_layer(sampled, self.sample_size[i]) all_support[i] = self.generate_adj(sampled, cur_sampled).to(x.device) sampled = cur_sampled return x[torch.LongTensor(sampled).to(x.device)], all_support, 0 class ASGCNSampler(LayerSampler): def __init__(self, data, params_args): super().__init__(data, params_args) def set_w(w_s0, w_s1): self.w_s0 = w_s0 self.w_s1 = w_s1 def set_adj(self, edge_index, num_nodes): self.sparse_adj = sparse.coo_matrix( (np.ones(edge_index.shape[1]), (edge_index[0], edge_index[1])), shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes), ).tocsr() self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.adj = self.compute_adjlist(self.sparse_adj) self.adj = torch.tensor(self.adj) def compute_adjlist(self, sp_adj, max_degree=32): num_data = sp_adj.shape[0] adj = num_data + np.zeros((num_data+1, max_degree), dtype=np.int32) for v in range(num_data): neighbors = np.nonzero(sp_adj[v, :])[1] len_neighbors = len(neighbors) if len_neighbors > max_degree: neighbors = np.random.choice(neighbors, max_degree, replace=False) adj[v] = neighbors else: adj[v, :len_neighbors] = neighbors return adj def from_adjlist(self, adj): u_sampled, index = torch.unique(torch.flatten(adj), return_inverse=True) row = (torch.range(0, index.shape[0]-1) / adj.shape[1]).long().to(adj.device) col = index values = torch.ones(index.shape[0]).float().to(adj.device) indices =[row.unsqueeze(1), col.unsqueeze(1)], axis=1).t() dense_shape = (adj.shape[0], u_sampled.shape[0]) support = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices, values, dense_shape) return support, u_sampled.long() def _sample_one_layer(self, x, adj, v, sample_size): support, u = self.from_adjlist(adj) h_v = torch.sum(torch.matmul(x[v], self.w_s1)) h_u = torch.matmul(x[u], self.w_s0) attention = (F.relu(h_v + h_u) + 1) * (1.0 / sample_size) g_u = F.relu(h_u) + 1 p1 = attention * g_u p1 = p1.cpu() if self.num_nodes in u: p1[u == self.num_nodes] = 0 p1 = p1 / torch.sum(p1) samples = torch.multinomial(p1, sample_size, False) u_sampled = u[samples] support_sampled = torch.index_select(support, 1, samples) return u_sampled, support_sampled def sample(self, x, v, num_layers): all_support = [[] for _ in range(num_layers)] sampled = v x =, torch.zeros(1, x.shape[1]).to(x.device)), dim=0) for i in range(num_layers - 1, -1, -1): cur_sampled, cur_support = self.sample_one_layer(x, self.adj[sampled], sampled, self.sample_size[i]) all_support[i] = sampled = cur_sampled return x[], all_support, 0"""