Source code for cogdl.datasets.pyg_strategies_data

    This file is borrowed from
from cogdl.datasets import register_dataset
import random
import zipfile
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

import torch
from import InMemoryDataset, Data, Batch
from import download_url
import os.path as osp
from itertools import repeat, product, chain

# ================
# Dataset utils
# ================

[docs]def nx_to_graph_data_obj(g, center_id, allowable_features_downstream=None, allowable_features_pretrain=None, node_id_to_go_labels=None): n_nodes = g.number_of_nodes() n_edges = g.number_of_edges() # nodes nx_node_ids = [n_i for n_i in g.nodes()] # contains list of nx node ids # in a particular ordering. Will be used as a mapping to convert # between nx node ids and data obj node indices x = torch.tensor(np.ones(n_nodes).reshape(-1, 1), dtype=torch.float) # we don't have any node labels, so set to dummy 1. dim n_nodes x 1 center_node_idx = nx_node_ids.index(center_id) center_node_idx = torch.tensor([center_node_idx], dtype=torch.long) # edges edges_list = [] edge_features_list = [] for node_1, node_2, attr_dict in g.edges(data=True): edge_feature = [attr_dict['w1'], attr_dict['w2'], attr_dict['w3'], attr_dict['w4'], attr_dict['w5'], attr_dict['w6'], attr_dict['w7'], 0, 0] # last 2 indicate self-loop # and masking edge_feature = np.array(edge_feature, dtype=int) # convert nx node ids to data obj node index i = nx_node_ids.index(node_1) j = nx_node_ids.index(node_2) edges_list.append((i, j)) edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) edges_list.append((j, i)) edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) # data.edge_index: Graph connectivity in COO format with shape [2, num_edges] edge_index = torch.tensor(np.array(edges_list).T, dtype=torch.long) # data.edge_attr: Edge feature matrix with shape [num_edges, num_edge_features] edge_attr = torch.tensor(np.array(edge_features_list), dtype=torch.float) try: species_id = int(nx_node_ids[0].split('.')[0]) # nx node id is of the form: # species_id.protein_id species_id = torch.tensor([species_id], dtype=torch.long) except: # occurs when nx node id has no species id info. For the extract # substructure context pair transform, where we convert a data obj to # a nx graph obj (which does not have original node id info) species_id = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.long) # dummy species # id is 0 # construct data obj data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr) data.species_id = species_id data.center_node_idx = center_node_idx if node_id_to_go_labels: # supervised case with go node labels # Construct a dim n_pretrain_go_classes tensor and a # n_downstream_go_classes tensor for the center node. 0 is no data # or negative, 1 is positive. downstream_go_node_feature = [0] * len(allowable_features_downstream) pretrain_go_node_feature = [0] * len(allowable_features_pretrain) if center_id in node_id_to_go_labels: go_labels = node_id_to_go_labels[center_id] # get indices of allowable_features_downstream that match with elements # in go_labels _, node_feature_indices, _ = np.intersect1d( allowable_features_downstream, go_labels, return_indices=True) for idx in node_feature_indices: downstream_go_node_feature[idx] = 1 # get indices of allowable_features_pretrain that match with # elements in go_labels _, node_feature_indices, _ = np.intersect1d( allowable_features_pretrain, go_labels, return_indices=True) for idx in node_feature_indices: pretrain_go_node_feature[idx] = 1 data.go_target_downstream = torch.tensor(np.array(downstream_go_node_feature), dtype=torch.long) data.go_target_pretrain = torch.tensor(np.array(pretrain_go_node_feature), dtype=torch.long) return data
[docs]def graph_data_obj_to_nx(data): G = nx.Graph() # edges edge_index = data.edge_index.cpu().numpy() edge_attr = data.edge_attr.cpu().numpy() n_edges = edge_index.shape[1] for j in range(0, n_edges, 2): begin_idx = int(edge_index[0, j]) end_idx = int(edge_index[1, j]) w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, _, _ = edge_attr[j].astype(bool) if not G.has_edge(begin_idx, end_idx): G.add_edge(begin_idx, end_idx, w1=w1, w2=w2, w3=w3, w4=w4, w5=w5, w6=w6, w7=w7) return G
[docs]def graph_data_obj_to_nx_simple(data): """ Converts graph Data object required by the pytorch geometric package to network x data object. NB: Uses simplified atom and bond features, and represent as indices. NB: possible issues with recapitulating relative stereochemistry since the edges in the nx object are unordered. :param data: pytorch geometric Data object :return: network x object """ G = nx.Graph() # atoms atom_features = data.x.cpu().numpy() num_atoms = atom_features.shape[0] for i in range(num_atoms): atomic_num_idx, chirality_tag_idx = atom_features[i] G.add_node(i, atom_num_idx=atomic_num_idx, chirality_tag_idx=chirality_tag_idx) pass # bonds edge_index = data.edge_index.cpu().numpy() edge_attr = data.edge_attr.cpu().numpy() num_bonds = edge_index.shape[1] for j in range(0, num_bonds, 2): begin_idx = int(edge_index[0, j]) end_idx = int(edge_index[1, j]) bond_type_idx, bond_dir_idx = edge_attr[j] if not G.has_edge(begin_idx, end_idx): G.add_edge(begin_idx, end_idx, bond_type_idx=bond_type_idx, bond_dir_idx=bond_dir_idx) return G
[docs]def nx_to_graph_data_obj_simple(G): """ Converts nx graph to pytorch geometric Data object. Assume node indices are numbered from 0 to num_nodes - 1. NB: Uses simplified atom and bond features, and represent as indices. NB: possible issues with recapitulating relative stereochemistry since the edges in the nx object are unordered. :param G: nx graph obj :return: pytorch geometric Data object """ # atoms num_atom_features = 2 # atom type, chirality tag atom_features_list = [] for _, node in G.nodes(data=True): atom_feature = [node['atom_num_idx'], node['chirality_tag_idx']] atom_features_list.append(atom_feature) x = torch.tensor(np.array(atom_features_list), dtype=torch.long) # bonds num_bond_features = 2 # bond type, bond direction if len(G.edges()) > 0: # mol has bonds edges_list = [] edge_features_list = [] for i, j, edge in G.edges(data=True): edge_feature = [edge['bond_type_idx'], edge['bond_dir_idx']] edges_list.append((i, j)) edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) edges_list.append((j, i)) edge_features_list.append(edge_feature) # data.edge_index: Graph connectivity in COO format with shape [2, num_edges] edge_index = torch.tensor(np.array(edges_list).T, dtype=torch.long) # data.edge_attr: Edge feature matrix with shape [num_edges, num_edge_features] edge_attr = torch.tensor(np.array(edge_features_list), dtype=torch.long) else: # mol has no bonds edge_index = torch.empty((2, 0), dtype=torch.long) edge_attr = torch.empty((0, num_bond_features), dtype=torch.long) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr) return data
[docs]class NegativeEdge: """Borrowed from""" def __init__(self): """ Randomly sample negative edges """ pass
[docs] def __call__(self, data): num_nodes = data.num_nodes num_edges = data.num_edges edge_set = set([str(data.edge_index[0,i].cpu().item()) + "," + str(data.edge_index[1,i].cpu().item()) for i in range(data.edge_index.shape[1])]) redandunt_sample = torch.randint(0, num_nodes, (2,5*num_edges)) sampled_ind = [] sampled_edge_set = set([]) for i in range(5*num_edges): node1 = redandunt_sample[0,i].cpu().item() node2 = redandunt_sample[1,i].cpu().item() edge_str = str(node1) + "," + str(node2) if not edge_str in edge_set and not edge_str in sampled_edge_set and not node1 == node2: sampled_edge_set.add(edge_str) sampled_ind.append(i) if len(sampled_ind) == num_edges/2: break data.negative_edge_index = redandunt_sample[:,sampled_ind] return data
[docs]class MaskEdge: """Borrowed from""" def __init__(self, mask_rate): """ Assume edge_attr is of the form: [w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, self_loop, mask] :param mask_rate: % of edges to be masked """ self.mask_rate = mask_rate
[docs] def __call__(self, data, masked_edge_indices=None): if masked_edge_indices == None: # sample x distinct edges to be masked, based on mask rate. But # will sample at least 1 edge num_edges = int(data.edge_index.size()[1] / 2) # num unique edges sample_size = int(num_edges * self.mask_rate + 1) # during sampling, we only pick the 1st direction of a particular # edge pair masked_edge_indices = [2 * i for i in random.sample(range( num_edges), sample_size)] data.masked_edge_idx = torch.tensor(np.array(masked_edge_indices)) # create ground truth edge features for the edges that correspond to # the masked indices mask_edge_labels_list = [] for idx in masked_edge_indices: mask_edge_labels_list.append(data.edge_attr[idx].view(1, -1)) data.mask_edge_label =, dim=0) # created new masked edge_attr, where both directions of the masked # edges have masked edge type. For message passing in gcn # append the 2nd direction of the masked edges all_masked_edge_indices = masked_edge_indices + [i + 1 for i in masked_edge_indices] for idx in all_masked_edge_indices: data.edge_attr[idx] = torch.tensor(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]), dtype=torch.float) return data
[docs]class MaskAtom: """Borrowed from""" def __init__(self, num_atom_type, num_edge_type, mask_rate, mask_edge=True): """ Randomly masks an atom, and optionally masks edges connecting to it. The mask atom type index is num_possible_atom_type The mask edge type index in num_possible_edge_type :param num_atom_type: :param num_edge_type: :param mask_rate: % of atoms to be masked :param mask_edge: If True, also mask the edges that connect to the masked atoms """ self.num_atom_type = num_atom_type self.num_edge_type = num_edge_type self.mask_rate = mask_rate self.mask_edge = mask_edge
[docs] def __call__(self, data, masked_atom_indices=None): """ :param data: pytorch geometric data object. Assume that the edge ordering is the default pytorch geometric ordering, where the two directions of a single edge occur in pairs. Eg. data.edge_index = tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) :param masked_atom_indices: If None, then randomly samples num_atoms * mask rate number of atom indices Otherwise a list of atom idx that sets the atoms to be masked (for debugging only) :return: None, Creates new attributes in original data object: data.mask_node_idx data.mask_node_label data.mask_edge_idx data.mask_edge_label """ if masked_atom_indices == None: # sample x distinct atoms to be masked, based on mask rate. But # will sample at least 1 atom num_atoms = data.x.size()[0] sample_size = int(num_atoms * self.mask_rate + 1) masked_atom_indices = random.sample(range(num_atoms), sample_size) # create mask node label by copying atom feature of mask atom mask_node_labels_list = [] for atom_idx in masked_atom_indices: mask_node_labels_list.append(data.x[atom_idx].view(1, -1)) data.mask_node_label =, dim=0) data.masked_atom_indices = torch.tensor(masked_atom_indices) # modify the original node feature of the masked node for atom_idx in masked_atom_indices: data.x[atom_idx] = torch.tensor([self.num_atom_type, 0]) if self.mask_edge: # create mask edge labels by copying edge features of edges that are bonded to # mask atoms connected_edge_indices = [] for bond_idx, (u, v) in enumerate(data.edge_index.cpu().numpy().T): for atom_idx in masked_atom_indices: if atom_idx in set((u, v)) and \ bond_idx not in connected_edge_indices: connected_edge_indices.append(bond_idx) if len(connected_edge_indices) > 0: # create mask edge labels by copying bond features of the bonds connected to # the mask atoms mask_edge_labels_list = [] for bond_idx in connected_edge_indices[::2]: # because the # edge ordering is such that two directions of a single # edge occur in pairs, so to get the unique undirected # edge indices, we take every 2nd edge index from list mask_edge_labels_list.append( data.edge_attr[bond_idx].view(1, -1)) data.mask_edge_label =, dim=0) # modify the original bond features of the bonds connected to the mask atoms for bond_idx in connected_edge_indices: data.edge_attr[bond_idx] = torch.tensor( [self.num_edge_type, 0]) data.connected_edge_indices = torch.tensor( connected_edge_indices[::2]) else: data.mask_edge_label = torch.empty((0, 2)).to(torch.int64) data.connected_edge_indices = torch.tensor( connected_edge_indices).to(torch.int64) return data
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(num_atom_type={}, num_edge_type={}, mask_rate={}, mask_edge={})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.num_atom_type, self.num_edge_type, self.mask_rate, self.mask_edge)
[docs]def reset_idxes(G): """ Resets node indices such that they are numbered from 0 to num_nodes - 1 :param G: :return: copy of G with relabelled node indices, mapping """ mapping = {} for new_idx, old_idx in enumerate(G.nodes()): mapping[old_idx] = new_idx new_G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping, copy=True) return new_G, mapping
[docs]class ExtractSubstructureContextPair: def __init__(self, l1, center=True): = center self.l1 = l1 if self.l1 == 0: self.l1 = -1
[docs] def __call__(self, data, root_idx=None): num_atoms = data.x.size()[0] G = graph_data_obj_to_nx(data) if root_idx == None: if == True: root_idx = data.center_node_idx.item() else: root_idx = random.sample(range(num_atoms), 1)[0] # in the PPI case, the subgraph is the entire PPI graph data.x_substruct = data.x data.edge_attr_substruct = data.edge_attr data.edge_index_substruct = data.edge_index data.center_substruct_idx = data.center_node_idx # Get context that is between l1 and the max diameter of the PPI graph l1_node_idxes = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, root_idx, self.l1).keys() # l2_node_idxes = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, root_idx, # self.l2).keys() l2_node_idxes = range(num_atoms) context_node_idxes = set(l1_node_idxes).symmetric_difference( set(l2_node_idxes)) if len(context_node_idxes) > 0: context_G = G.subgraph(context_node_idxes) context_G, context_node_map = reset_idxes(context_G) # need to # reset node idx to 0 -> num_nodes - 1, other data obj does not # make sense context_data = nx_to_graph_data_obj(context_G, 0) # use a dummy # center node idx data.x_context = context_data.x data.edge_attr_context = context_data.edge_attr data.edge_index_context = context_data.edge_index # Get indices of overlapping nodes between substruct and context, # WRT context ordering context_substruct_overlap_idxes = list(context_node_idxes) if len(context_substruct_overlap_idxes) > 0: context_substruct_overlap_idxes_reorder = [context_node_map[old_idx] for old_idx in context_substruct_overlap_idxes] data.overlap_context_substruct_idx = \ torch.tensor(context_substruct_overlap_idxes_reorder) return data
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(l1={}, center={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.l1,
[docs]class ChemExtractSubstructureContextPair: def __init__(self, k, l1, l2): """ Randomly selects a node from the data object, and adds attributes that contain the substructure that corresponds to k hop neighbours rooted at the node, and the context substructures that corresponds to the subgraph that is between l1 and l2 hops away from the root node. :param k: :param l1: :param l2: """ self.k = k self.l1 = l1 self.l2 = l2 # for the special case of 0, addresses the quirk with # single_source_shortest_path_length if self.k == 0: self.k = -1 if self.l1 == 0: self.l1 = -1 if self.l2 == 0: self.l2 = -1
[docs] def __call__(self, data, root_idx=None): """ :param data: pytorch geometric data object :param root_idx: If None, then randomly samples an atom idx. Otherwise sets atom idx of root (for debugging only) :return: None. Creates new attributes in original data object: data.center_substruct_idx data.x_substruct data.edge_attr_substruct data.edge_index_substruct data.x_context data.edge_attr_context data.edge_index_context data.overlap_context_substruct_idx """ num_atoms = data.x.size()[0] if root_idx == None: root_idx = random.sample(range(num_atoms), 1)[0] G = graph_data_obj_to_nx_simple(data) # same ordering as input data obj # Get k-hop subgraph rooted at specified atom idx substruct_node_idxes = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, root_idx, self.k).keys() if len(substruct_node_idxes) > 0: substruct_G = G.subgraph(substruct_node_idxes) substruct_G, substruct_node_map = reset_idxes(substruct_G) # need # to reset node idx to 0 -> num_nodes - 1, otherwise data obj does not # make sense, since the node indices in data obj must start at 0 substruct_data = nx_to_graph_data_obj_simple(substruct_G) data.x_substruct = substruct_data.x data.edge_attr_substruct = substruct_data.edge_attr data.edge_index_substruct = substruct_data.edge_index data.center_substruct_idx = torch.tensor([substruct_node_map[ root_idx]]) # need # to convert center idx from original graph node ordering to the # new substruct node ordering # Get subgraphs that is between l1 and l2 hops away from the root node l1_node_idxes = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, root_idx, self.l1).keys() l2_node_idxes = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, root_idx, self.l2).keys() context_node_idxes = set(l1_node_idxes).symmetric_difference( set(l2_node_idxes)) if len(context_node_idxes) == 0: l2_node_idxes = range(num_atoms) context_node_idxes = set(l1_node_idxes).symmetric_difference( set(l2_node_idxes)) if len(context_node_idxes) > 0: context_G = G.subgraph(context_node_idxes) context_G, context_node_map = reset_idxes(context_G) # need to # reset node idx to 0 -> num_nodes - 1, otherwise data obj does not # make sense, since the node indices in data obj must start at 0 context_data = nx_to_graph_data_obj_simple(context_G) data.x_context = context_data.x data.edge_attr_context = context_data.edge_attr data.edge_index_context = context_data.edge_index # Get indices of overlapping nodes between substruct and context, # WRT context ordering context_substruct_overlap_idxes = list(set( context_node_idxes).intersection(set(substruct_node_idxes))) if len(context_substruct_overlap_idxes) <= 0: context_substruct_overlap_idxes = list(context_node_idxes) if len(context_substruct_overlap_idxes) > 0: context_substruct_overlap_idxes_reorder = [context_node_map[old_idx] for old_idx in context_substruct_overlap_idxes] # need to convert the overlap node idxes, which is from the # original graph node ordering to the new context node ordering data.overlap_context_substruct_idx = \ torch.tensor(context_substruct_overlap_idxes_reorder) return data
# ### For debugging ### # if len(substruct_node_idxes) > 0: # substruct_mol = graph_data_obj_to_mol_simple(data.x_substruct, # data.edge_index_substruct, # data.edge_attr_substruct) # print(AllChem.MolToSmiles(substruct_mol)) # if len(context_node_idxes) > 0: # context_mol = graph_data_obj_to_mol_simple(data.x_context, # data.edge_index_context, # data.edge_attr_context) # print(AllChem.MolToSmiles(context_mol)) # # print(list(context_node_idxes)) # print(list(substruct_node_idxes)) # print(context_substruct_overlap_idxes) # ### End debugging ###
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(k={},l1={}, l2={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.k, self.l1, self.l2)
# ================== # DataLoader utils # ==================
[docs]class BatchFinetune(Data): def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(BatchMasking, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch @staticmethod
[docs] def from_data_list(data_list): r"""Constructs a batch object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly.""" keys = [set(data.keys) for data in data_list] keys = list(set.union(*keys)) assert 'batch' not in keys batch = BatchMasking() for key in keys: batch[key] = [] batch.batch = [] cumsum_node = 0 cumsum_edge = 0 for i, data in enumerate(data_list): num_nodes = data.num_nodes batch.batch.append(torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long)) for key in data.keys: item = data[key] if key in ['edge_index', 'center_node_idx']: item = item + cumsum_node batch[key].append(item) cumsum_node += num_nodes cumsum_edge += data.edge_index.shape[1] for key in keys: batch[key] = batch[key], dim=data_list[0].__cat_dim__(key, batch[key][0])) batch.batch =, dim=-1) return batch.contiguous()
[docs] def num_graphs(self): """Returns the number of graphs in the batch.""" return self.batch[-1].item() + 1
[docs]class BatchMasking(Data): def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(BatchMasking, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch @staticmethod
[docs] def from_data_list(data_list): r"""Constructs a batch object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly.""" keys = [set(data.keys) for data in data_list] keys = list(set.union(*keys)) assert 'batch' not in keys batch = BatchMasking() for key in keys: batch[key] = [] batch.batch = [] cumsum_node = 0 cumsum_edge = 0 for i, data in enumerate(data_list): num_nodes = data.num_nodes batch.batch.append(torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long)) for key in data.keys: item = data[key] if key in ['edge_index']: item = item + cumsum_node elif key == 'masked_edge_idx': item = item + cumsum_edge batch[key].append(item) cumsum_node += num_nodes cumsum_edge += data.edge_index.shape[1] for key in keys: batch[key] = batch[key], dim=data_list[0].__cat_dim__(key, batch[key][0])) batch.batch =, dim=-1) return batch.contiguous()
[docs] def cumsum(self, key, item): r"""If :obj:`True`, the attribute :obj:`key` with content :obj:`item` should be added up cumulatively before concatenated together. .. note:: This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden if the batch concatenation process is corrupted for a specific data attribute. """ return key in ['edge_index', 'face', 'masked_atom_indices', 'connected_edge_indices']
[docs] def num_graphs(self): """Returns the number of graphs in the batch.""" return self.batch[-1].item() + 1
[docs]class BatchAE(Data): def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(BatchAE, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch @staticmethod
[docs] def from_data_list(data_list): r"""Constructs a batch object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly.""" keys = [set(data.keys) for data in data_list] keys = list(set.union(*keys)) assert 'batch' not in keys batch = BatchAE() for key in keys: batch[key] = [] batch.batch = [] cumsum_node = 0 for i, data in enumerate(data_list): num_nodes = data.num_nodes batch.batch.append(torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long)) for key in data.keys: item = data[key] if key in ['edge_index', 'negative_edge_index']: item = item + cumsum_node batch[key].append(item) cumsum_node += num_nodes for key in keys: batch[key] = batch[key], dim=batch.cat_dim(key)) batch.batch =, dim=-1) return batch.contiguous()
[docs] def num_graphs(self): """Returns the number of graphs in the batch.""" return self.batch[-1].item() + 1
[docs] def cat_dim(self, key): return -1 if key in ["edge_index", "negative_edge_index"] else 0
[docs]class BatchSubstructContext(Data): def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(BatchSubstructContext, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch @staticmethod
[docs] def from_data_list(data_list): r"""Constructs a batch object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly.""" batch = BatchSubstructContext() keys = ["center_substruct_idx", "edge_attr_substruct", "edge_index_substruct", "x_substruct", "overlap_context_substruct_idx", "edge_attr_context", "edge_index_context", "x_context"] for key in keys: batch[key] = [] #used for pooling the context batch.batch_overlapped_context = [] batch.overlapped_context_size = [] cumsum_main = 0 cumsum_substruct = 0 cumsum_context = 0 i = 0 for data in data_list: #If there is no context, just skip!! if hasattr(data, "x_context"): num_nodes = data.num_nodes num_nodes_substruct = len(data.x_substruct) num_nodes_context = len(data.x_context) #batch.batch.append(torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long)) batch.batch_overlapped_context.append(torch.full((len(data.overlap_context_substruct_idx), ), i, dtype=torch.long)) batch.overlapped_context_size.append(len(data.overlap_context_substruct_idx)) ###batching for the substructure graph for key in ["center_substruct_idx", "edge_attr_substruct", "edge_index_substruct", "x_substruct"]: item = data[key] item = item + cumsum_substruct if batch.cumsum(key, item) else item batch[key].append(item) ###batching for the context graph for key in ["overlap_context_substruct_idx", "edge_attr_context", "edge_index_context", "x_context"]: item = data[key] item = item + cumsum_context if batch.cumsum(key, item) else item batch[key].append(item) cumsum_main += num_nodes cumsum_substruct += num_nodes_substruct cumsum_context += num_nodes_context i += 1 for key in keys: batch[key] = batch[key], dim=batch.cat_dim(key)) #batch.batch =, dim=-1) batch.batch_overlapped_context =, dim=-1) batch.overlapped_context_size = torch.LongTensor(batch.overlapped_context_size) return batch.contiguous()
[docs] def cat_dim(self, key): return -1 if key in ["edge_index", "edge_index_substruct", "edge_index_context"] else 0
[docs] def cumsum(self, key, item): r"""If :obj:`True`, the attribute :obj:`key` with content :obj:`item` should be added up cumulatively before concatenated together. .. note:: This method is for internal use only, and should only be overridden if the batch concatenation process is corrupted for a specific data attribute. """ return key in ["edge_index", "edge_index_substruct", "edge_index_context", "overlap_context_substruct_idx", "center_substruct_idx"]
[docs] def num_graphs(self): """Returns the number of graphs in the batch.""" return self.batch[-1].item() + 1
[docs]class DataLoaderFinetune( def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, **kwargs): super(DataLoaderFinetune, self).__init__( dataset, batch_size, shuffle, collate_fn=lambda data_list: BatchFinetune.from_data_list(data_list), **kwargs)
[docs]class DataLoaderMasking( def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, **kwargs): super(DataLoaderMasking, self).__init__( dataset, batch_size, shuffle, collate_fn=lambda data_list: BatchMasking.from_data_list(data_list), **kwargs)
[docs]class DataLoaderAE( def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, **kwargs): super(DataLoaderAE, self).__init__( dataset, batch_size, shuffle, collate_fn=lambda data_list: BatchAE.from_data_list(data_list), **kwargs)
[docs]class DataLoaderSubstructContext( def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, **kwargs): super(DataLoaderSubstructContext, self).__init__( dataset, batch_size, shuffle, collate_fn=lambda data_list: BatchSubstructContext.from_data_list(data_list), **kwargs)
# ========== # Dataset # ==========
[docs]@register_dataset("test_bio") class TestBioDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, data_type="unsupervised", root=None, transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None): super(TestBioDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) num_nodes = 10 num_edges = 10 num_graphs = 100 def cycle_index(num, shift): arr = torch.arange(num) + shift arr[-shift:] = torch.arange(shift) return arr upp =[torch.arange(0, num_nodes)] * num_graphs) dwn =[cycle_index(num_nodes, 1)] * num_graphs) edge_index = torch.stack([upp, dwn]) edge_attr = torch.zeros(num_edges * num_graphs, 9) for idx, val in enumerate(torch.randint(0, 9, size=(num_edges * num_graphs,))): edge_attr[idx][val] = 1. = Data( x=torch.ones(num_graphs * num_nodes, 1), edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, ) = torch.randint(0, num_nodes, size=(num_graphs,)) self.slices = { "x": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_nodes, num_nodes), "edge_index": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_edges, num_edges), "edge_attr": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_edges, num_edges), "center_node_idx": torch.arange(num_graphs+1), } if data_type == "supervised": pretrain_tasks = 10 downstream_tasks = 5 go_target_pretrain = torch.zeros(pretrain_tasks * num_graphs) go_target_downstream = torch.zeros(downstream_tasks * num_graphs) go_target_pretrain[torch.arange(0, pretrain_tasks*num_graphs, pretrain_tasks)] = 1 go_target_downstream[torch.arange(0, downstream_tasks*num_graphs, downstream_tasks)] = 1 = go_target_downstream = go_target_pretrain self.slices["go_target_pretrain"] = torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * pretrain_tasks) self.slices["go_target_downstream"] = torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * downstream_tasks)
[docs]@register_dataset("test_chem") class TestChemDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, data_type="unsupervised", root=None, transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None): super(TestChemDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) num_nodes = 10 num_edges = 10 num_graphs = 100 def cycle_index(num, shift): arr = torch.arange(num) + shift arr[-shift:] = torch.arange(shift) return arr upp =[torch.arange(0, num_nodes)] * num_graphs) dwn =[cycle_index(num_nodes, 1)] * num_graphs) edge_index = torch.stack([upp, dwn]) edge_attr = torch.zeros(num_edges * num_graphs, 2) x = torch.zeros(num_graphs * num_nodes, 2) for idx, val in enumerate(torch.randint(0, 6, size=(num_edges * num_graphs,))): edge_attr[idx][0] = val for idx, val in enumerate(torch.randint(0, 3, size=(num_edges * num_graphs,))): edge_attr[idx][1] = val for idx, val in enumerate(torch.randint(0, 120, size=(num_edges * num_graphs,))): x[idx][0] = val for idx, val in enumerate(torch.randint(0, 3, size=(num_edges * num_graphs,))): x[idx][1] = val = Data(,,, ) self.slices = { "x": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_nodes, num_nodes), "edge_index": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_edges, num_edges), "edge_attr": torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * num_edges, num_edges), } if data_type == "supervised": pretrain_tasks = 10 go_target_pretrain = torch.zeros(pretrain_tasks * num_graphs) - 1 for i in range(num_graphs): val = np.random.randint(0, pretrain_tasks) go_target_pretrain[i * pretrain_tasks + val] = 1 = go_target_pretrain self.slices["y"] = torch.arange(0, (num_graphs + 1) * pretrain_tasks, pretrain_tasks)
[docs] def get(self, idx): data = Data() for key in item, slices =[key], self.slices[key] s = list(repeat(slice(None), item.dim())) s[data.__cat_dim__(key, item)] = slice(slices[idx], slices[idx + 1]) data[key] = item[s] return data
[docs]@register_dataset("bio") class BioDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, data_type="unsupervised", empty=False, transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None): self.data_type = data_type self.url = "" self.root = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), "../..", "data", "BIO") super(BioDataset, self).__init__(self.root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) if not empty: if data_type == "unsupervised":, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[1]) else:, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property
[docs] def raw_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def processed_file_names(self): return ['', '']
[docs] def download(self): download_url(self.url, self.raw_dir, name="")
[docs] def process(self): zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(osp.join(self.raw_dir, self.raw_file_names[0]),'r') for filename in zfile.namelist(): print("unzip file: " + filename) zfile.extract(filename, osp.join(self.processed_dir))
[docs]@register_dataset("chem") class MoleculeDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, data_type="unsupervised", transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None, empty=False): self.data_type = data_type self.url = "" self.root = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), "../..", "data", "CHEM") super(MoleculeDataset, self).__init__(self.root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) self.transform, self.pre_transform, self.pre_filter = transform, pre_transform, pre_filter if not empty: if data_type == "unsupervised":, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[1]) else:, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0])
[docs] def get(self, idx): data = Data() for key in item, slices =[key], self.slices[key] s = list(repeat(slice(None), item.dim())) s[data.__cat_dim__(key, item)] = slice(slices[idx], slices[idx + 1]) data[key] = item[s] return data
[docs] def raw_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def processed_file_names(self): return ['', '']
[docs] def download(self): download_url(self.url, self.raw_dir, name="")
[docs] def process(self): zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(osp.join(self.raw_dir, self.raw_file_names[0]),'r') for filename in zfile.namelist(): print("unzip file: " + filename) zfile.extract(filename, osp.join(self.processed_dir))
# ========== # Dataset for finetuning # ==========
[docs]@register_dataset("bace") class BACEDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None, empty=False): self.url = "" self.root = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), "../..", "data", "BACE") super(BACEDataset, self).__init__(self.root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) self.transform, self.pre_transform, self.pre_filter = transform, pre_transform, pre_filter if not empty:, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0])
[docs] def get(self, idx): data = Data() for key in item, slices =[key], self.slices[key] s = list(repeat(slice(None), item.dim())) s[data.__cat_dim__(key, item)] = slice(slices[idx], slices[idx + 1]) data[key] = item[s] return data
[docs] def raw_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def processed_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def download(self): download_url(self.url, self.raw_dir, name="")
[docs] def process(self): zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(osp.join(self.raw_dir, self.raw_file_names[0]),'r') for filename in zfile.namelist(): print("unzip file: " + filename) zfile.extract(filename, osp.join(self.processed_dir))
[docs]@register_dataset("bbbp") class BBBPDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None, empty=False): self.url = "" self.root = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), "../..", "data", "BBBP") super(BBBPDataset, self).__init__(self.root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) self.transform, self.pre_transform, self.pre_filter = transform, pre_transform, pre_filter if not empty:, self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0])
[docs] def get(self, idx): data = Data() for key in item, slices =[key], self.slices[key] s = list(repeat(slice(None), item.dim())) s[data.__cat_dim__(key, item)] = slice(slices[idx], slices[idx + 1]) data[key] = item[s] return data
[docs] def raw_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def processed_file_names(self): return ['']
[docs] def download(self): download_url(self.url, self.raw_dir, name="")
[docs] def process(self): zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(osp.join(self.raw_dir, self.raw_file_names[0]),'r') for filename in zfile.namelist(): print("unzip file: " + filename) zfile.extract(filename, osp.join(self.processed_dir))