Source code for cogdl.models.emb.spectral

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn import preprocessing
from .. import BaseModel, register_model

[docs]@register_model("spectral") class Spectral(BaseModel): r"""The Spectral clustering model from the `"Leveraging social media networks for classification" <>`_ paper Args: hidden_size (int) : The dimension of node representation. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def add_args(parser): """Add model-specific arguments to the parser.""" pass
[docs] def build_model_from_args(cls, args): return cls(args.hidden_size)
def __init__(self, dimension): super(Spectral, self).__init__() self.dimension = dimension
[docs] def train(self, G): matrix = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(G).todense() matrix = np.eye(matrix.shape[0]) - np.asarray(matrix) ut, s, _ = sp.linalg.svds(matrix, self.dimension) emb_matrix = ut * np.sqrt(s) emb_matrix = preprocessing.normalize(emb_matrix, "l2") return emb_matrix